Project Isaiah 62


Project Isaiah 62 is Lespwa Lavi's targeted initiative to empower girls to be radiant women of character.  Phase one of the project has two main goals: 

Goal 1: Support pregnant adolescents through pregnancy and beyond to achieve independence and a lifestyle that will sustain them and their child

Goal 2: Reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in our community


With a team of staff dedicated to this project, we are targeting our goals through education, advocacy, mentorship, and community.  Lespwa Lavi Academy is the first school in the region to teenage mothers to continue to attend school, and to include Biblical sexual education and education on legal rights as part of the curriculum for adolescents.


Your gift to Project Isaiah 62 has a generational impact on the girls directly aided through the program, and their children who are coming into the world with a healthy future.  The total cost for Phase 1 is $21,000.  All funds will go directly to Haiti.


Suggested donation $100.  You can give any amount by going to our general donation page and typing "Project Isaiah 62" in the comments.